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Book synopsis:

Never forget where you come from, kid… so says the voice in the poet’s head. And the poet drinks deep of that inexhaustible well, surveying the varied landscapes of both inner and outer worlds; the rustbelt factories where one marks time while dreaming of other worlds, ear to the polishing stone that grinds away history, flints of flea market treasures. And amid the slow churn of decay and despair, to still hear America singing, fighting, surviving; daring, even, to hope for sparks that ignite the licorice hearts all across this fallen world, of a love that might just save us yet.


Miles Bio:

Milenko (Miles) Budimir is from Cleveland. His newest book of poems is Licorice Heart (Roadside Press) and his two previous poetry chapbooks are Departures (Burning River) and Rustbelt Romance (deep cleveland). His poems have appeared in a variety of small press publications and anthologies, including Poetrybay, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, Great Lakes Review, and The Toledo Free Press, among others. His freelance writing has appeared in Balkanist and BELT. He works as a philosophy lecturer and a technical writer and editor in the Cleveland area where in his free time he likes to read, play percussion in the band Malphonia, and tend to his vegetable garden.

Licorice Heart - a book of poetry by Milenko (Miles) Budimir

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